Interview Techniques for Federal Jobs

Navigating USAJOBS Web Seminar

September 7, 2017 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Open the door to new possibilities

Finding and Applying for Jobs in the Federal Government (Navigating USAJOBS): This free online virtual presentation provides a step-by-step process that covers, creating your account and profile, managing your account, reviewing Job Opportunity Announcements, searching for Federal jobs, following up on your application status, and submitting your application.


Two seminars will be held: one on Thursday, September 7, and the other on Wednesday, September 27. Follow the links to register. Registration will be limited to 1500 attendees. Once we reach this number, registration will be closed.

After registering for the presentation, a confirmation email will immediately be sent to your email address. This confirmation email will contain the link to the presentation being conducted on September 27th. If you do not see the email within 10 minutes of registering, look in your SPAM folder for an email from Eventbrite. Once the confirmation link is received, check to ensure it is operational and you have access to the Adobe connect presentation room.

Other presentation opportunities will be posted on the “Training” section.

If you have any special accommodation needs, please contact the event organizer no later than six days before the online seminar date.