On Thursday, September 30th, and in the final weeks before the 2021 General Election, Cleveland Neighborhood Progress hosted the 7th annual Progress Institute at and with the support of the Maxine Goodman College of Urban Affairs at Cleveland State University. The theme of this year’s event was the 2021 Neighborhood Platform, a set of 50 policy recommendations developed by CDC leaders and CNP for Cleveland’s next mayor, his administration, and members of City Council.
Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 Progress Institute met success as half-day event attended by hundreds of people, both in-person and online. Jeffery Patterson, President & CEO of the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority and President of the CNP Board of Directors, and Dean Roland Anglin from the College of Urban Affairs provided opening remarks that centered the event on Cleveland’s network of community development corporations and their work in community and economic development. CNP’s President & CEO Tania Menesse shared her vision for how the Neighborhood Platform would translate from vision to reality. CNP’s Vice President of CDC Advancement Colleen Gilson led a plenary discussion with CDC leaders to further discuss the Neighborhood Platform and ask them about their hopes for a new mayoral administration.
Breakout sessions focused on three of the major themes within the Neighborhood Platform, including Housing, Economic Development, and Neighborhood Infrastructure.
Finally, Tania Menesse and CNP’s Vice President of Policy & Advocacy interviewed the two final candidates for mayor, Justin Bibb and Cleveland City Council President Kevin Kelley. This interview included conversational answers to major questions about equitable development, fun and personal answers written by the candidates on white boards, and yes-or-no responses to questions that needed direct answers.
Cleveland Neighborhood Progress would like to thank all of the CDC leaders, partners, colleagues, volunteers, and the mayoral candidates for helping make the 2021 Progress Institute a massive success. We look forward to providing updates on the Neighborhood Platform in the coming months and years.
Videos to watch:
Progress Institute Introduction
Mayoral Candidates Interviews and Q&A
Breakout sessions:
Pictures from the event:

Recaps And Images Of Previous Progress Institutes from 2015-2020
Thursday, June 24, 2021 Thursday, May 27, 2021 Thursday, April 22, 2021 Thursday, December 3, 2020 September 29, 2020 August 27, 2020 On Friday November 1, 2019, Cleveland Neighborhood Progress welcomed 275 community development professionals to the 6th annual Progress Institute. This day-long professional development event was hosted in partnership with MidTown Cleveland Inc., and took place in the MidTown neighborhood at The Agora. In addition to an opening address by Joel Ratner and a keynote speech by Bina M. Patel, CEO and Founder of Saathi Impact Counseling, the 2019 Progress Institute offered over 15 learning sessions that addressed important issues and challenges that our industry is facing. The lunchtime Pecha Kucha was performed by Joi Carter, Community Engagement and Marketing Manager of MidTown Cleveland; Letitia Lopez, Executive Director of Julia de Burgos Cultural Arts Center and Oluremi Ann Oliver, President Emeritus of the Cleveland Association of Black Storytellers, Inc. Cleveland Neighborhood Progress would like to thank the hundreds of partners, colleagues, presenters and attendees that made this event successful. We look forward to convening again in the fall of 2020. On Friday November 2, 2018, Cleveland Neighborhood Progress welcomed 275 community development professionals to the 5th annual Progress Institute. This day-long professional development event was hosted in partnership with Union Miles Development Corp. and took place in the Union Miles neighborhood. In addition to an opening address by Joel Ratner and a keynote speech by Ben Hecht, CEO of Living Cities, the 2018 Progress Institute offered over 20 learning sessions that addressed important issues and challenges that our industry is facing. The lively lunchtime panel discussion, which included India Lee (Cleveland Foundation), Bob Jaquay (Gund Foundation), Jamar Doyle (Collinwood & Nottingham Villages Development Corp.) and Joy Johnson (Burten Bell Carr Development) along with Moderator Joe Cimperman (Global Cleveland), covered the history and future of community development in Cleveland. At the event, Neighborhood Progress also announced the 2018 recipients of its Neighborhood Solutions Awards. This years’ grants are focused on Civic Engagement and the following organizations were awarded funds: To learn more about each organization’s winning proposal, please visit http://www.clevelandnp.org/cdcgrantmaking/ Cleveland Neighborhood Progress would like to thank the hundreds of partners, colleagues, presenters and attendees that made this event successful. We look forward to convening again in the fall of 2019. On Tuesday October 31, 2017, Cleveland Neighborhood Progress hosted over 250 community development professionals from northeast Ohio at its fourth annual Progress Institute. At this day-long learning symposium, we convened Cleveland’s community development field for learning, connecting, and inspiration. The event was held in the Old Brooklyn neighborhood and Dr. Mark Joseph offered the keynote address, “What If We Got Really Serious About Promoting Racial Equity in Cleveland?” Resources from the 2017 Progress Institute: On Thursday November 3, 2016, Cleveland Neighborhood Progress hosted community development professionals at its thirds annual Progress Institute. At this day-long learning symposium, we convened Cleveland’s community development field to learn, connect, and innovate. On Tuesday October 27, 2015, Cleveland Neighborhood Progress hosted 200 community development professionals at its second annual Progress Institute. At this day-long learning symposium, we convened Cleveland’s community development field to learn, connect, and innovate. Guests attended informative sessions at various venues along Waterloo Road in Collinwood’s Waterloo Arts & Entertainment District. Additionally, they heard inspirational remarks from keynote speaker Majora Carter and received valuable industry updates from Cleveland Neighborhood Progress. To access the 2015 Progress Institute program, please click here.Past 20-21 sessions:
“The New Majority: Aging in a New Generation”
Janice Dzigiel, Executive Director, Senior Transportation Connection
Mary Lipovan, Director of Public Health & Transitional Care, Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging
Mary McNamara, Director of Aging, Cleveland Department of Aging
Marlene Robinson-Statler, Executive Officer, Division of Senior & Adult Services
Workshop description – Projections indicate that by 2030, older adults over the age of 65 will outnumber children and teens under the age 20, representing a “new majority.” This panel discussion will focus on health and wellness, housing, access, and public benefits that impact the older adult population in Cleveland and Cuyahoga County. Presentation includes overview of programs and services; what is “age friendly,” and what public policy changes might be considered to meet future needs of the emerging population of “majority” seniors.
Watch the session here.
“Building and Engaging Diverse Boards”
Randell McShepard, VP of Public Affairs & Chief Talent Officer at RPM International Inc.,
Janus Small, President of Janus Small Associates
Workshop description – an action-oriented approach to building diverse (of thought, gender, age, ethnicity, race) and engaged (in attendance, activities, committees, fundraising and networking) Board members. Many examples of lessons learned and best practices from real life Board experiences in the non-profit world will be shared. Be prepared to reveal your Board experiences and insights.
Watch the session here.
“Middle Neighborhoods: Stabilizing Communities”
Presenter – Jason Powers, Director, Middle Neighborhoods Initiative, City of Cleveland
Workshop description – Over the last ten years cities across the United States have turned their attention to a new, old problem: decline in stable communities. While the narrative of gentrification has taken center stage in the minds of policymakers a different problem has begun to see attention. Middle Neighborhoods survived the second half of the 20th Century as white flight and racist disinvestment were less effective for varying reasons, however the foreclosure crisis, Great Recession and COVID19 pandemic have all exhausted the historic stability of these places and they now exist over the edge of decline. In 2019 the City of Cleveland began an effort to identify middle markets throughout the city and develop stabilization programs to reduce decline and develop these places as mixed income, inclusive and stable neighborhoods. In this session we will learn how the City of Cleveland, in coordination with Case Western Reserve University, has identified edge communities and what programs and policies are under development to create stable and healthy places for Cleveland residents and businesses.
Watch the session here.
“Understanding Fair Housing”
– Tanesha Hunter, Director of Education & Outreach, Fair Housing Center for Rights & Research
– Emily Lundgard, State & Local Policy Director, Enterprise Community Partners
– Maria Sosa, Office of Fair Housing Manager & Rental Assistance Program Manager, Department of Community Development, City of Cleveland.
Workshop Description:
This workshop will provide you a deeper understanding of fair housing law on the federal, state, and local level; how it impacts your community; and tools and advocacy opportunities to combat housing discrimination.
Watch this session here.
Progress Talk#1: “Amplifying Equitable Civic Engagement in Cleveland’s Neighborhoods”
Erika Anthony, Co-Founder, Cleveland Votes
Joy Johnson, Executive Director, Burten, Bell, Carr, Inc.
Kristian Hunter, Community Engagement Manager, Greater Collinwood Development Corporation
Krystal Sierra, Economic Development Specialist, Greater Collinwood Development Corporation
Scott Rosenstein, Community Involvement Manager, Tremont West Community Development Corporation
Dharma Valentin, Community & Equity Organizer, Tremont West Community Development Corporation
Jeremy Taylor, Director of Community Involvement, Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization
Watch this session here.
Revitalizing Retail Districts in the Midst of COVID-19
Michael Elliott, David Lukas, Kevin Schmotzer
This session discussed the new reality that exists for both Economic Development professionals and the business communities they serve, and examined what can be done to revitalize retail districts, and support businesses that have been impacted by COVID-19.
Watch this session here.
Keynote by Dr. Mark Joseph (ppt)
Workshop materials from Dr. Mark Joseph