Circular Cleveland Stakeholder Engagement #2 – Private Sector

October 14, 2021 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Attend this Circular Cleveland working session specifically for the PRIVATE SECTOR to assist in the development of an informed roadmap.

About this event

Cleveland Neighborhood Progress and the City of Cleveland, in partnership with Neighborhood Connections, are building a Circular Cleveland. Please attend this Stakeholder Engagement #2 working session to assist Cleveland in the development of an informed roadmap for an impactful and equitable transition to a circular economy. The goal of Circular Cleveland is to build on existing momentum to reduce the City’s overall GHG emissions by keeping materials in use longer, by reducing pollution in the environment while creating green jobs in Cleveland through a transition to a circular economy that fosters innovation, resourcefulness and builds community resilience.

We are working with our international consultants, Metabolic, PXYERA Global and Council for the Great Lakes Region, to develop a data-driven and community informed roadmap for our transition to a circular economy through a series of stakeholder engagement events.

As a follow up to the first stakeholder engagement in August, we will host the second stakeholder engagement as two distinctly themed workshops on Thursday, October 14th:

10:00am-12:00 pm for the Private Sector (industry and businesses)


3:00 pm -5:00 pm for Public and Social Sector (institutions, non-profits and community groups).

During this Session, we will:

1. Reintroduce you to the engagement team and discuss the purpose of this engagement

2. Review some of our initial data findings and insights gleaned from the breakout sessions at the first stakeholder engagement (‘Private Sector and Industry’ or ‘Public Sector and Social Sector’ )

3. Break out into groups to ground truth the information from our data findings

4. Identify immediate and longer term opportunities for your participation in this transition.

5. Share next steps

These meetings will take place virtually via Zoom and will be recorded.